Written in the D programming language.
For git maintenance (ensure at least one congruent line with originating C header):
#define crypto_stream_salsa2012_H

module deimos.sodium.crypto_stream_salsa2012;

 *  WARNING: This is just a stream cipher. It is NOT authenticated encryption.
 *  While it provides some protection against eavesdropping, it does NOT
 *  provide any security against active attacks.
 *  Unless you know what you're doing, what you are looking for is probably
 *  the crypto_box functions.

else {

import deimos.sodium.export_;

extern(C) @nogc :

enum crypto_stream_salsa2012_KEYBYTES = 32U;

size_t crypto_stream_salsa2012_keybytes() pure @trusted;

enum crypto_stream_salsa2012_NONCEBYTES = 8U;

size_t crypto_stream_salsa2012_noncebytes() pure @trusted;

alias crypto_stream_salsa2012_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX = SODIUM_SIZE_MAX;

size_t crypto_stream_salsa2012_messagebytes_max() pure @trusted;

int crypto_stream_salsa2012(ubyte* c, ulong clen,
                            const(ubyte)* n, const(ubyte)* k) pure; // __attribute__ ((nonnull));

int crypto_stream_salsa2012_xor(ubyte* c, const(ubyte)* m,
                                ulong mlen, const(ubyte)* n,
                                const(ubyte)* k) pure; // __attribute__ ((nonnull));

void crypto_stream_salsa2012_keygen(ref ubyte[crypto_stream_salsa2012_KEYBYTES] k) nothrow @trusted; // __attribute__ ((nonnull));
