/* Written in the D programming language. For git maintenance (ensure at least one congruent line with originating C header): #define crypto_auth_H */ module deimos.sodium.crypto_auth; import deimos.sodium.crypto_auth_hmacsha512256 : crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES, crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_KEYBYTES; extern(C) @nogc : alias crypto_auth_BYTES = crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES; size_t crypto_auth_bytes() pure @trusted; alias crypto_auth_KEYBYTES = crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_KEYBYTES; size_t crypto_auth_keybytes() pure @trusted; enum crypto_auth_PRIMITIVE = "hmacsha512256"; const(char)* crypto_auth_primitive() pure @trusted; int crypto_auth(ubyte* out_, const(ubyte)* in_, ulong inlen, const(ubyte)* k) pure; // __attribute__ ((nonnull(1, 4))); int crypto_auth_verify(const(ubyte)* h, const(ubyte)* in_, ulong inlen, const(ubyte)* k) pure nothrow; // __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) __attribute__ ((nonnull(1, 4))); void crypto_auth_keygen(ref ubyte[crypto_auth_KEYBYTES] k) nothrow @trusted; // __attribute__ ((nonnull));