
Undocumented in source.



void sodium_add(ubyte* a, const(ubyte)* b, size_t len)

* Adding large numbers * The sodium_add() function accepts two pointers to unsigned numbers encoded in little- * endian format, a and b , both of size len bytes. * It computes (a + b) mod 2^(8*len) in constant time for a given length, and overwrites a * with the result. * This function was introduced in libsodium 1.0.7.

void* sodium_allocarray(size_t count, size_t size)

WARNING: sodium_malloc() and sodium_allocarray() are not general-purpose allocation functions.

char* sodium_bin2hex(const(char*) hex, size_t hex_maxlen, const(ubyte*) bin, size_t bin_len)

* Hexadecimal encoding. * The sodium_bin2hex() function converts bin_len bytes stored at bin into a hexadecimal * string. * The string is stored into hex and includes a nul byte ( \0 ) terminator. * hex_maxlen is the maximum number of bytes that the function is allowed to write starting at * hex . It should be at least bin_len * 2 + 1 . * The function returns hex on success, or null on overflow. It evaluates in constant time for * a given size.

int sodium_compare(const(ubyte)* b1_, const(ubyte)* b2_, size_t len)

Comparing large numbers. sodium_compare() returns -1 if b1_ < b2_, 1 if b1_ > b2_ and 0 if b1_ == b2_ It is suitable for lexicographical comparisons, or to compare nonces and counters stored in little-endian format. However, it is slower than sodium_memcmp().

void sodium_free(void* ptr)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
int sodium_hex2bin(const(ubyte)* bin, size_t bin_maxlen, const(char*) hex, size_t hex_len, const(char*) ignore, const(size_t*) bin_len, const(char**) hex_end)

* Hexadecimal decoding. * The sodium_hex2bin() function parses a hexadecimal string hex and converts it to a byte * sequence. * hex does not have to be nul terminated, as the number of characters to parse is supplied * via the hex_len parameter. * ignore is a string of characters to skip. For example, the string ": " allows columns and * spaces to be present at any locations in the hexadecimal string. These characters will just * be ignored. As a result, "69:FC" , "69 FC" , "69 : FC" and "69FC" will be valid inputs, * and will produce the same output. * ignore can be set to null in order to disallow any non-hexadecimal character. * bin_maxlen is the maximum number of bytes to put into bin . * The parser stops when a non-hexadecimal, non-ignored character is found or when * bin_maxlen bytes have been written. * The function returns -1 if more than bin_maxlen bytes would be required to store the * parsed string. It returns 0 on success and sets hex_end , if it is not null , to a pointer to * the character following the last parsed character. * It evaluates in constant time for a given length and format.

void sodium_increment(ubyte* n, size_t nlen)

* Incrementing large numbers. * The sodium_increment() function takes a pointer to an arbitrary-long unsigned number, and * increments it. * It runs in constant-time for a given length, and considers the number to be encoded in little- * endian format. * sodium_increment() can be used to increment nonces in constant time. * This function was introduced in libsodium 1.0.4.

int sodium_is_zero(const(ubyte)* n, size_t nlen)

* Testing for all zeros. * This function returns 1 if the nlen bytes vector pointed by n contains only zeros. * It returns 0 if non-zero bits are found.<br> * Its execution time is constant for a given length.<br> * This function was introduced in libsodium 1.0.7.

void* sodium_malloc(size_t size)

WARNING: sodium_malloc() and sodium_allocarray() are not general-purpose allocation functions.

int sodium_memcmp(const(void*) b1_, const(void*) b2_, size_t len)

Constant-time test for equality. When a comparison involves secret data (e.g. key, authentication tag), is it critical to use a constant-time comparison function in order to mitigate side-channel attacks. The sodium_memcmp() function can be used for this purpose.<br> The function returns 0 if the len bytes pointed to by b1_ match the len bytes pointed to by b2_ . Otherwise, it returns -1 .<br> WARNING: sodium_memcmp() must be used to verify if two secret keys are equal, in constant time.<br> This function is not designed for lexicographical comparisons and is not a generic replacement for memcmp().

void sodium_memzero(const(void*) pnt, size_t len)

* Zeroing memory. * After use, sensitive data should be overwritten, but memset() and hand-written code can be * silently stripped out by an optimizing compiler or by the linker. * The sodium_memzero() function tries to effectively zero len bytes starting at pnt , even if * optimizations are being applied to the code.

int sodium_mlock(const(void*) addr, size_t len)

Locking memory The sodium_mlock() function locks at least len bytes of memory starting at addr. This can help avoid swapping sensitive data to disk. In addition, it is recommended to totally disable swap partitions on machines processing sensitive data, or, as a second choice, use encrypted swap partitions. For similar reasons, on Unix systems, one should also disable core dumps when running crypto code outside a development environment. This can be achieved using a shell built-in such as ulimit or programatically using setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &(struct rlimit) {0, 0}) . On operating systems where this feature is implemented, kernel crash dumps should also be disabled (e.g. sodium_mlock() wraps mlock() and VirtualLock() . Note: Many systems place limits on the amount of memory that may be locked by a process. Care should be taken to raise those limits (e.g. Unix ulimits) where neccessary. sodium_lock() will return -1 when any limit is reached. On systems where it is supported, sodium_mlock() also wraps madvise() and advises the kernel not to include the locked memory in core dumps.

int sodium_mprotect_noaccess(void* ptr)

The sodium_mprotect_noaccess() function makes a region allocated using sodium_malloc() or sodium_allocarray() inaccessible. It cannot be read or written, but the data are preserved. This function can be used to make confidential data inaccessible except when actually needed for a specific operation.

int sodium_mprotect_readonly(void* ptr)

The sodium_mprotect_readonly() function marks a region allocated using sodium_malloc() or sodium_allocarray() as read-only. Attempting to modify the data will cause the process to terminate.

int sodium_mprotect_readwrite(void* ptr)

The sodium_mprotect_readwrite() function marks a region allocated using sodium_malloc() or sodium_allocarray() as readable and writable, after having been protected using sodium_mprotect_readonly() or sodium_mprotect_noaccess().

int sodium_munlock(const(void*) addr, size_t len)

The sodium_munlock() function should be called after locked memory is not being used any more. It will zero len bytes starting at addr before actually flagging the pages as swappable again. Calling sodium_memzero() prior to sodium_munlock() is thus not required.
